
Power Behind The Lyrics Have you ever listened to a song and resonated with the lyrics? As if the song was painting your life story right in front of you ? Words have the power to shape our beliefs, behavior, and create our world. The words we speak can have a significant influence on our mental, and physical health. For instance positive words strengthen the frontal lobe, which is responsible for our cognitive reasoning which can lead to better decision making and forward thinking. Negative language can inhibit the release of neuro-chemicals  that manage stress  which leads to feelings of anxiety and depression. How we speak to ourselves, and others can influence our thoughts, beliefs and actions, and even shape our perception of the world. Words have the power to heal or hurt. They have the power to lift one up, or tear someone down. Positive words can lift, motivate, and inspire. We are the master of our words, we create our future with words speaking life or death into our world ar

Life Lessons

  Life Lessons By: Milliea Taylor McKinney May 16,2024 Nothing in life is in our control, whether you choose to believe it or not it is true. There is a higher power in control regardless of what you call him {God} he answers by many names.  There are many things totally out of our control, such as natural disasters, the price of living going up, your favorite sports team losing the championship game. Health, and health care cost, and the value of life and how fragile it is, {with this one I place a footnote with it being time because time waits for no one and you can not get back time lost or wasted.} Which brings me to  the times we experience from birth to death, good times, bad times, and all the times in between which includes the relationships we form and whom you allow in your space that takes up your energy. What life has taught me is that people are made up of their own energies, or vibes as some would say; and not all energy is good. What the individual allows into their spac

Power Of Music


Exposing Lucifer In The Millennium

  As we approach an uncertain world we must reflect on life and what we have learned in the course of our life’s journey. Being one who has experienced being raised in the Christian faith, and the industry of music I have had it in my heart after great prayer and meditation to share the importance of music and how we apply it to our daily lives and its profound effect designs not only ourselves but the world around us. I think we all can agree that we have seen major shifts in the sound and lyric contributions from our newest generation of artist. I don’t think our newest contributors understand the concept or the purpose of music as it was planned or intended by the creator. Many may not know it but music actually started in the heavens it was created by God for God and is known to be the highest of praise in the heavens. When God created Lucifer it was for the purpose of music and his design was that of an instrument as you can read in the Bible. I don’t need to tell you that Lucifer