Power Behind The Lyrics

Have you ever listened to a song and resonated with the lyrics? As if the song was painting your life story right in front of you ?

Words have the power to shape our beliefs, behavior, and create our world. The words we speak can have a significant influence on our mental, and physical health. For instance positive words strengthen the frontal lobe, which is responsible for our cognitive reasoning which can lead to better decision making and forward thinking. Negative language can inhibit the release of neuro-chemicals  that manage stress  which leads to feelings of anxiety and depression.

How we speak to ourselves, and others can influence our thoughts, beliefs and actions, and even shape our perception of the world. Words have the power to heal or hurt. They have the power to lift one up, or tear someone down. Positive words can lift, motivate, and inspire.

We are the master of our words, we create our future with words speaking life or death into our world around us.

The real power is how we choose to use our words to build our relationships, of course action speaks louder than words so be careful actions take the place of words and can sometimes be more powerful than the actual words spoken.

One word can impact a day, so speak life into the day and use your words to embrace rather than push away those in your life.

Words have energy and power, with the ability to help, destroy, hinder, or unite. So consider the words you choose to define the character you are building. Be a positive influence to those you engage with.

Artist, songwriters, this is even a more powerful awareness for you. As you write your songs know that under the embrace of music what you sing, or say will influence and impact your audiences so be mindful of those you influence.

Especially the youth, who are most impacted as they are still learning about themselves and social issues that cause great influence.


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