Life Lessons


Life Lessons

By: Milliea Taylor McKinney

May 16,2024

Nothing in life is in our control, whether you choose to believe it or not it is true. There is a higher power in control regardless of what you call him {God} he answers by many names. 

There are many things totally out of our control, such as natural disasters, the price of living going up, your favorite sports team losing the championship game. Health, and health care cost, and the value of life and how fragile it is, {with this one I place a footnote with it being time because time waits for no one and you can not get back time lost or wasted.}

Which brings me to  the times we experience from birth to death, good times, bad times, and all the times in between which includes the relationships we form and whom you allow in your space that takes up your energy.

What life has taught me is that people are made up of their own energies, or vibes as some would say; and not all energy is good. What the individual allows into their space is the energy they can expect.

Everyone has a free will given to them from the higher power, and with it comes great responsibility. So choose to be kind and responsible. Choose good over evil, and go out of your way to make someone's day better. Especially those that are struggling and need a helping hand.

Every living soul wants to be respected, and treated with dignity and compassion. No one wants to be treated like they are a burden, or without empathy. The biggest mistake humanity makes is looking down on the less fortunate. Not knowing their journey, or their circumstance does not give people the right to be judgemental, there is only one judge and that is the creator of mankind.

The problem with humanity, and society is that they are living under a “me mentality” thinking their opinions out weigh everything including the facts.

Most people live in their own little bubble, and do not realize the behavior and the actions they distribute to others are mindless, and without empathy or compassion. If only people would consider by thinking before acting there would be less need for apologies. Maybe even more agreement and peace among society.

In closing, my final thought is; if only we all could plant some seeds of kindness, maybe we all can keep faith, and hope alive. Both are bridges to love and unity.              


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